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How you can get your name in the Guinness Book of World Records

Here's how to set or break a Guinness World Record [MarhabaQatar]
Here's how to set or break a Guinness World Record [MarhabaQatar]

Have you ever wondered how to break or set a Guinness World Record? What do you need to know or do to get your name in the prestigious record book? 

Here are the guidelines for breaking the Guinness World Record, according to the website.

It must be measurable

Can something be measured objectively? It cannot be arbitrary. For instance, traits like kindness, loyalty, and attractiveness are subjective. You can't win the world record for the kindest person ever, since no one can measure kindness.

It must be breakable

The record must be breakable or open to challenge. How can it be broken? If no one can know if it has been broken or break it after you, then you can't do it.


Can someone else replicate the record in a standardised manner? Is it possible to establish a set of guidelines and requirements that every challenger can adhere to?


Can the activity be verified? There must be enough evidence and proof that it happened.

You must be the best in the world

Has anyone else broken the record before you or is it a new one? You have to be sure of the existing record so you can break it or if you are the first to do it, then you are setting a new record.

What can't you do?

  1.  Fast drinking, binge drinking, drinking competitions or any activity that involves alcohol.
  2. Illegal actions taken to break records.
  3. Activities that are deemed inappropriate for children under the age of 16.
  4. Behaviours that are inappropriate or that could put the audience in danger or harm.
  5. Any activity that put animals in danger or hurts them.
  6. Eating excessively. All of their eating records are restricted to short time frames and tiny serving sizes.
  7. Food loss. They have specific guidelines for food donation and consumption that must be followed in any records about food.

How to apply

According to the Guinness World Records website, it is necessary to complete the following to set or break a world record:

  1. Sign up for a profile.
  2. An email with an activation link will be sent to you. When you click the link, a dashboard page will appear.
  3. To apply for a record, click the green button.
  4. Look for the record you wish to break.
  5. Click the 'Apply Now' button when you locate the record. You can choose 'Apply for a new record title' at the bottom of the page if the one you're looking for cannot be found.
  6. Fill out the application completely.

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