But let's be entirely clear herethere's nothing wrong with being single, and many people are happily unattached and thriving. But if Valentine's Day is a little rough for youor you just want to commiserate with your single buddiestake a breather and laugh with these V-Day memes.
Don't mind me, I'll just be checking my texts, DM's, and emails all day:
Me checking if I got any texts, missed calls, snaps, or emails for Valentine's day pic.twitter.com/f2VKBv9116 Cryptic (@CrypticNoOne)
#ForeverAlone is a lifestyle at this point:
Me, every Valentines day since 1994 #ValentineswithNobody pic.twitter.com/zP7lY03eEM Call Me Mami (@AubreyNhla)
But at least there are ways to entertain yourself:
And food will always be there for you:
Me today spending #ValentinesWithNobody pic.twitter.com/Ndu2JAUpNL XL (@3000ft1)
Self-love is still the best love:
Single people spending #ValentinesWithNobody & with that new Pornhub premium all day like pic.twitter.com/DQDte1T2Tw Mr. New Era (@iJkiddRox)
Please refrain from sending that toxic text you want to send to your ex:
Happy Valentines Day. I seen your ig story. He got you roses and dont even know you like tulips haha. Anyway Hope all is well pic.twitter.com/mjPiveridx Hollywood!!!! (@ChefWaites)
There's always a silver lining in a dark cloud:
Me thinking about all the half price chocolate on Feb 15th... #ValentinesWithNobody pic.twitter.com/lWofEsil7I KYIG (@SupaZombieGirl)
The next time someone asks, just say that you're currently in a relationship with your career:
A friend just sent this to me. She does know me well! #ValentinesDayMemes pic.twitter.com/yh5HBKbBGY Robi (@robi4tv)
Harry knows what it is:
Happy Valentine's Day! #Valentine2020 #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDayMemes pic.twitter.com/cDzIulSYBk The Art File (@TheArtFile)
It's a little unorthodox, but it's a pep talk nonetheless:
Me making myself feel better on Valentine's Day #ValentinesDayMemes #ValentinesWithNobody pic.twitter.com/GvyvpIoIVB JarionXP (@JarionXP)
At least you tried bro:
You don't care about Valentine's Day but you do but you don't:
Were all these couples this obnoxious yesterday?:
Treat yourself:
Surprise yourself too:
Life isn't actually a Disney movie? I want a refund:
Flowers are overrated anyway:
The gym will never let you down!:
Well, when you put it that way....:
How rude of you to interrupt my nonsensical fantasy:
View this post on Instagram Shut up. Sorry I didn't mean you . . . . #dankmemes #dankmemesdaily #dailymemes #dank #dankmeme #relatable #relatablememes #funnyshit #funnymeme #funnymemesdaily #funnymemes #comedy #spongebobmemes #squidwardmemes #lonelymemes #valentinesmemes #valentinesdaymemes A post shared by oimaghost (@oimaghost) on Feb 14, 2020 at 7:17am PST