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Surefire signs it’s the right time to say ‘I love you’

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The right time to say I love you (atlantablackstar)
The right time to say I love you (atlantablackstar)

Ever met those annoying people who say ‘I love you’ before they even learn how to pronounce your name right? You see, people often misuse these words by saying them for the sake of it without even meaning it – which is wrong.

So, when is the right time to say that you love someone? Watch out for these signs to know if you should say ‘I love you’ to that person you have been seeing or you should take some time:

1. Your gut tells you it’s the right time

What does your conscience tell you? If it feels like it’s the right time to tell your partner that you love them, then it’s probably right. Your gut hardly lies which is why you should always pay attention to what it tells you.

2. You are sure you love them

Forget about love at first sight. You need to take some time to evaluate if you really love this person or it was just a short-lived liking for them. What do you really feel towards them? If you are certain that it’s love you feel for them, you can go ahead and say it.

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3. You are ready to stick to them in hard times

What if this person lost their job and the well’s ran dry? Would you still love them? If the answer is no, then you just love this person for what they have but not for who they are. In which case, it’s not right to say that you love them. Hard times will come. If you are certain that you don’t mind going through them with this person and believe you will do it together, then it’s time to say it out loud.

4. You mean it

The one mistake people make is saying ‘I love you’ knowing deep down in their hearts that they do not mean it.

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5. You are on the same page

If you have been dating for a while, you can tell if you are both on the same page. They say actions speak louder than words. Even though your partner hasn’t said it, you can somehow tell if they are interested in a future with you. If they are, there is no harm in saying that you love them.

6. You love their ugly side

Everyone has an ugly part. If you love your partner’s ugly side and think you can stand it, there’s no doubt that you love them. The next thing should be saying it to them.

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