2) Compliant: Fruits Taub-Dix says you can definitely make fresh or dried fruits a part of your menu, though fresh is preferred. Just don't overdo it by keeping track of how much sugar from fruit you're getting, since the Whole30 requires you to limit your intake of it. Compliant: strawberries, grapefruit, blackberries, peaches, h0neydew, apples Deborah Pendell - Getty Images
3) Compliant: Meat and Poultry You'll want to opt for grass-fed or organic, since processed meats, like bacon, aren't allowed. But if organic isnt in your budget, choose leaner cuts of conventionally raised meat, suggests Beacom. If you're hitting up the supermarket for cold cuts of deli meats, beware many of them are not Whole30 compliant. Compliant: beef, veal, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck Getty Images - Getty Images
4) Non-compliant: Legumes "Most peas, lentils and beans, including peanut butter, should be avoided. Green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas are exceptions," says Taub-Dix. Legumes are known to cause digestive issues for many people, so eliminating them from your diet will allow you to determine whether they're a trigger food for you. Non-compliant: black beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, lima beans, lentils, peanuts ALLEKO - Getty Images
5) Compliant: Fish and Seafood Having meat isn't the only way to get your protein in. Salmon is just one of the many seafood dishes you can have. Its great because its rich in omega-3 fatty acids , Beacom says, who adds that frozen, fresh, or canned with just water and salt are all great choices. Compliant: salmon, anchovies, shrimp, scallops, crab, lobster, mussels Getty Images - Getty Images
6) Non-compliant: Grains Unfortunately all grains, regardless of their degree of processing are off-limits, says Taub-Dix. You may think of corn as a vegetable, but it's technically one of those grains that's a definite no on the Whole30. In fact, all forms of grains are off limits, so make sure you read your labels in order to catch whether what you're eating includes ingredients like bran and starch. Non-compliant: wheat, corn, oats, rice, bulgur, quinoa, buckwheat eleonora galli - Getty Images
7) Non-compliant: Soy Avoid all soy, including tofu, tempeh, edamame and all products derived from soy, such as miso and soy sauce, says Taub-Dix. But here's a tip: if you're looking for an alternative to edamame, try snap peas. For soy sauce, add some salt to your dish. Salt is still a go. Non-compliant: edamame, tofu, soy lecithin, soy sauce, tempeh, soil oil skaman306 - Getty Images
8) Non-compliant: Dairy Dairy includes milk, but it also includes all foods derived from dairy, like yogurt, cheese and ice cream, advises Taub-Dix. But you can have compliant almond milk, which may take a little digging to find. It's all about reading your labels carefully. Non-compliant: yogurt, kefir, sour cream, ice cream, cow, sheet or goat's milk, cheese Diana Miller - Getty Images
9) Non-compliant: Alcohol The Whole30 diet rules advise against drinking alcohol, or eating dishes where alcohol is an ingredient, which means anything made with cooking wine. Non-compliant: beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs Jack Andersen - Getty Images
10) Non-compliant: Added Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners That includes honey, agave and maple syrup, as well as products that contain these ingredients says Taub-Dix, so you may have to adjust your Starbucks order. This is another non-compliant item that will require you to pay extra attention your food labels. Non-compliant: agave nectar, allulose, glucose, Truvia, Splenda ATU Images - Getty Images
11) Compliant: Eggs These are going to be your lifeline on Whole30 since there are so many ways to cook with eggs . But dishes that include eggs, but other non-compliant Whole30 items are off limits. Unfortunately, that includes pancakes. Compliant: eggs Getty Images - Getty Images
12) Compliant: Nuts and Seeds All types of nuts and seeds, besides peanuts are allowed. That means nut milks, nut flours and nut butters are all on the table. Just don't go trying to recreate healthy versions of your favorite foods because that isn't allowed, even if they include Whole30 ingredients. Compliant: almonds, pecans, pistachios, almond butter, sunflower seed butter Scott D. Haddow - Getty Images
13) Healthy Fats Figuring out what qualifies as a healthy fat may take a little bit of research, but here are a few tips. Even though ghee is clarified butter, it gets a pass because there's basically no lactose or whey, says Beacom. And for those who love salad dressings, Beacom says many Whole 30 dieters opt to make their own using avocado oil. Olive oil is another healthy one that may become your new best friend. Compliant: coconut oil, duck fat, ghee, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, vegetable oils Getty Images - Getty Images
14) Non-compliant: Processed Additives You likely won't be able to eliminate all additives from your diet, but it's still worth making an effort by limiting your intake of them. "When minimally processed foods must be used, the diet encourages you to opt for those with the shortest ingredient lists that only contain ingredients you recognize," says Taub-Dix. If there's too much in there you don't recognize, it's likely not good for you. Non-compliant: carrageenan, MSG, sulfites, soy lecithin, sulfur dioxide Tetra Images - Getty Images