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How much teachers in different job groups will earn after salary raise

A teacher teaching in class
A teacher teaching in class
  • Kenyan teachers will receive an enhanced pay package starting at the end of August
  • The pay rise ranges between Sh1,000 and Sh3,000 for teachers across various grades
  • Teachers are entitled to various allowances including commuter and housing allowances

After a prolonged anticipation, Kenyan teachers are poised to receive an enhanced pay package starting at the end of August 2024.

This move comes after previous delays due to financial constraints, with the government finally earmarking funds to accommodate the wage increase.

Details of the salary adjustment

The adjustments will see teachers across various grades benefit from a pay rise between Sh1,000 and Sh3,000.

According to the information released, the increment will take effect from July, with arrears being paid alongside August salaries.

The basic salary for the least paid teacher, at Grade B5, will now be Sh23,830, marking an increase from the previous Sh22,793.

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At the higher end of the spectrum, a chief principal at Grade D5 will see their pay rise to Sh162,539 from Sh159,534.

This adjustment translates to a salary review between Sh1,037 for the least paid and Sh3,005 at the highest level.

Allowances and benefits

Beyond the basic salary, Kenyan teachers are entitled to various allowances which significantly augment their total earnings.

These include monthly commuter allowances ranging from Sh4,000 at entry-level to Sh16,000 for senior positions.

Teachers also receive annual leave allowances between Sh4,000 and Sh10,000 depending on the job group, payable once a year.

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Furthermore, those stationed in hardship areas benefit from additional allowances ranging from Sh6,600 to Sh38,100, depending on their job group and location.

Housing allowances are tiered according to the area of residence. Teachers in Nairobi, classified under cluster one, receive between Sh6,750 and Sh50,000.

Those in other major cities like Mombasa and Nakuru are eligible for housing allowances between Sh4,500 and Sh35,000, while teachers in areas categorised as former municipalities get between Sh3,850 and Sh25,000.

Union's role and government's assurance

The announcement follows a contentious period marked by divisions within the teacher unions, KNUT and KUPPET, over whether to strike due to the delayed pay review.

The government, however, has reassured the educational sector by confirming that some Sh13 billion has been found to finance the increment.

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The Ministry of Education has committed to ensuring that the funds are available for the salary adjustments in August, including the arrears from July.

TSC Job GradeCurrent Minimum Salary (2024)Current Maximum Salary (2024)New Minimum Salary (2024)New Maximum Salary (2024)
B5Sh 22,793Sh 28,491Sh 23,830Sh 29,787
C1Sh 28,491Sh 35,614Sh 29,787Sh 37,234
C2Sh 36,621Sh 45,776Sh 38,286Sh 47,858
C3Sh 44,412Sh 56,514Sh 45,671Sh 59,084
C4Sh 52,308Sh 67,220Sh 52,308Sh 68,857
C5Sh 62,272Sh 78,667Sh 62,272Sh 79,651
D1Sh 78,625Sh 95,101Sh 78,625Sh 96,381
D2Sh 91,601Sh 110,551Sh 92,496Sh 112,633
D3Sh 105,182Sh 127,069Sh 106,043Sh 129,463
D4Sh 118,242Sh 143,581Sh 118,242Sh 146,286
D5Sh 131,380Sh 159,534Sh 131,380Sh 162,539

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