Will Emmanuel Isanda and Wayne John Isanda, identical twins, have once again demonstrated their academic prowess by earning identical A grades in the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations, each scoring 82 points.
This achievement follows their academic excellence, dating back to their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) performance in 2020.
After excelling in their KCPE exams with 415 and 412 marks, respectively, the duo secured admission to Alliance High School.

Their time at the prestigious institution was marked by hard work, mutual support, and a commitment to excellence.
Despite being placed in different houses initially, their determination to succeed brought them closer, as they motivated each other to maintain rigorous study schedules.
Their success story was not without challenges. In their first year at Alliance, they faced the devastating loss of their mother, who had battled rheumatoid arthritis.
The twins channelled their grief into motivation, determined to honour their mother’s dreams for them. This resilience became a cornerstone of their success.
The Isanda twins’ discipline and work ethic stood out throughout their high school years. They often began their studies at 3:00 a.m. and continued late into the night.

Their efforts paid off in academics and leadership, with Will serving as a house captain and Wayne as the school captain.
Their identical academic achievements have often sparked curiosity. Teachers and peers have marvelled at their synchronized performance, which even saw them tie in school rankings during their high school journey.
The twins attribute their success to a combination of hard work, determination, and their strong bond.
A motivational mantra they created encapsulates their philosophy: “Provided that your determination is constant, an increase in hard work is directly proportional to success.”
Looking ahead, Will and Wayne aim to make a global impact as tech entrepreneurs, a shift from their earlier aspirations of becoming a neurosurgeon and a cardiologist.

Inspired by their shared journey and their late mother’s vision, the twins remain focused on achieving greatness together, living by their unique motto: “Where there’s a Will, there’s a Wayne.”