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How to create Safaricom M-PESA till number for your business, church, chama & more

Lipa na mpesa till
Lipa na mpesa till
  • Safaricom Till Number is a unique identifier that customers use to make payments directly from their M-PESA account to a business's account through the Lipa Na M-PESA option.
  • Step-by-step guide to creating a Safaricom Till Number
  • The strategic advantage of Safaricom Till Number for businesses

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses in Kenya are continuously seeking efficient, secure, and convenient ways to process transactions.

Safaricom, Kenya’s leading telecommunication company, offers a solution through its innovative M-PESA platform, particularly with the Lipa Na M-PESA service.

A crucial component of this service is the M-PESA Till Number, also known as the Buy Goods Number, which enables businesses to collect payments instantly from their customers.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to create a Safaricom Till Number, paving the way for seamless transactions in your business operations.

How to create a Safaricom Lipa na M-PESA till number

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Safaricom Till Number

Step 1: Determine your business category

Safaricom provides different types of Till Numbers tailored to various business needs, including retail stores, restaurants, fuel stations, and more. Identifying the specific needs of your business will help determine the most suitable type of Till Number for you.

Step 2: Gather required documents

To apply for a Safaricom Till Number, you will need the following documents:

For online business:

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
  2. Copy of identification documents of persons opening the account (National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID)
  3. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating owner’s bank details
  4. Individual KRA PIN Certificate
  5. Indicate link and/or approved documentation to conduct online businesses

For individual (Only applies to Buy Goods Product):

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
  2. Copy of identification documents of persons opening the account (National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID)
  3. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating owner’s bank details

For Individuals with rental business:

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Signed letter on letterhead from the NGO Board confirming registration and existence including officials
  4. Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by owner or directors of the organization
  5. Copy of identification documents for at least 2 directors and appointed operators (National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID)
  6. Directors KRA PIN certificates
  7. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating Organization’s bank details
  8. Organization’s KRA pin certificate

Denominational churches (Branches of Mainstream Churches e.g. Catholic, Anglican, etc.)

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2 church officials
  4. Copy of identification documents for the church officials and authorized persons i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
  5. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating church’s bank details 6. Church KRA pin certificate

Non-denominational churches

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2 church officials
  4. Copy of identification documents for the church officials i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
  5. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating church’s bank details
  6. Church KRA pin certificate 

Registered chamas

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Terms and Conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Filled, stamped or sealed resolution letter signed by at least 2 officials
  4. Copy of identification documents for the officials and authorized operators i.e. National ID, Passport/Alien ID/Military ID
  5. Cancelled cheque or letter from bank stating chama’s bank details
  6. Chama KRA pin certificate

Step 3: Fill out the application form

Download the Lipa Na M-PESA application form from Safaricom’s official website or obtain one from a Safaricom Retail Shop.

Fill out the form accurately, providing all the requested details about your business and the nature of your transactions.

Step 4: Submit your application

Once your documents are ready and your application form is filled, submit your application through one of the following methods:

  • In-Person: Visit a Safaricom Retail Shop or Safaricom Authorized Dealer and submit your application along with the required documents.
  • Via Email: Scan and email the completed application form and documents to merchant.services@safaricom.co.ke.

Step 5: Verification and approval process

After submitting your application, Safaricom will review your documents and conduct a verification process.

This process ensures that your business complies with regulatory requirements and Safaricom’s policies.

The duration of this process can vary, but Safaricom endeavors to complete it as quickly as possible.

Step 6: Till Number allocation

Upon approval, Safaricom will assign a unique Till Number to your business. You will receive this number via SMS or email, along with guidelines on how to activate and manage your Till.

Step 7: Configuration and testing

Before officially launching the Till Number for customer use, configure your system according to your business needs.

Safaricom provides support for integrating the Till Number with your point-of-sale system or accounting software. It’s advisable to conduct several test transactions to ensure that the system is functioning correctly and that payments are being processed as expected.

Step 8: Go live

With your Till Number activated and tested, you’re now ready to start accepting payments.

Display your Till Number prominently at your business premises and inform your customers about this new payment option. Training your staff on how to process transactions and handle customer inquiries about Lipa Na M-PESA payments is also crucial.

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