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Most popular radio & TV stations in Kenya in 2024 - Report

A man watching TV
A man watching TV

With insights derived from extensive data collection and analysis, the report offers a revealing glimpse into the preferences of Kenyan audiences, shedding light on the broadcasting outlets that dominate the airwaves across the country.

As technology continues to evolve and media platforms diversify, understanding the media preferences of audiences remains crucial for broadcasters and advertisers alike.

The findings of the Infotrak report not only highlight the stations commanding the largest audiences but also provide valuable insights into the trends shaping Kenya's media landscape.

Radio Reigns Supreme

Radio, a long-time companion of the Kenyan populace, continues to captivate a staggering 72% of listeners nationwide, according to a recent survey.

This enduring medium, with its rich blend of entertainment, information, and education, remains a staple in Kenyan daily life.

Nyanza leads the charge with an impressive 79% listenership, closely echoed by the Rift Valley and Western at 77%.

The survey reveals that the love for radio knows no gender, with male listenership at a solid 72% and females at a close 71%. This near-parity underscores radio's universal appeal.

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When it comes to age, the wisdom of years seems to correlate with the love for radio; those aged 55 and above are the most avid listeners at 79%.

The youth, specifically the 18-26 age bracket, show a lower—but still significant—engagement at 62%.

Kenya's Top Radio Stations

When asked about their preferred stations, Kenyans voiced their loyalty loud and clear.

Radio Citizen commands the airwaves with a 26% market share, closely trailed by Radio Jambo at 24%. Radio 47 and Radio Maisha both stand strong at 20%, while Milele FM and Classic 105 follow with 13% and 11% of the audience, respectively.


Switching gears to the visual spectrum, TV viewership in Kenya paints an equally vibrant picture.

A remarkable 85% of Kenyans enjoy television content, with Nairobi taking the lead at 91%.

The study shows that TV's allure is near-universal across gender lines, with 84% of women and 86% of men regularly watching TV.

Most popular TV stations in Kenya

Citizen TV reigns supreme with 82% top-of-mind awareness and 81% current viewership, making it the king of Kenyan television.

Inooro TV, NTV, and KTN also boast significant numbers, with TV47 emerging as a strong contender with a 25% spontaneous awareness, indicating its growing influence.

The data speaks volumes about the media's role in shaping societal narratives and connecting communities.

Radio remains a deeply ingrained part of Kenyan culture, while TV stations continue to innovate and captivate diverse audiences.

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