Honey is one of the oldest food stuffs known to man and is touted to have some of the greatest health benefits.
Some vendors will also tell you of the miraculous healing properties, or prevention of cancer and heart disease.
But only a few have been proven by science.
1. Antibacterial benefits
Honey has the power to kill bacteria, specifically strains of E. Coli and Salmonella. A Malaysian honey has also been shown to fight the bacteria responsible for peptic ulcers.
2. Soothing sore throats
Studies have shown that honey is better at soothing sore throats than regular cough drops. It also improves sleep among coughing patients.
3. Endurance booster
A study by an industry-funded promotional group showed that honey was more effective at boosting staying power in promotional athletes than glucose or sugar.
However, since this study was done by non-impartial scientists, no conclusive evidence has been found to show the same.
4. Prevention of cancer, heart disease and diabetes
Honey has been found to play a role in regulating blood glucose in diabetic rats. However, experts have warned against diabetics taking honey as it is metabolized like sugar.
Malaysian honey was also shown to disrupt breast, cervical and skin cancer cells. This study was only successful in the lab. Honey still holds promise as a cancer fighting agent and a preventative for heart disease because it contains antioxidants.