Student in a number of Universities might be studying courses which have not been approved by the Commission for University Education (CUE).
CUE rejected 133 courses with a total entry capacity of 10,000 and students who are currently taking these programmes might be discontinued.
An audit by CUE revealed how universities, in their scramble to mint cash from huge enrollment, misrepresented their capacity, both in resources and teaching staff.
Universities named
Out of the 133 unapproved courses, Tom Mboya University College had 25, Garissa University and Alupe University had 10 while the Great Lakes University of Kisumu has eight.
Kenya Highlands Evangelical University had seven courses rejected by CUE while University of Embu, Lukenya University and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology had six rejected courses each.
At Kenyatta, Karatina and The East African Universities, CUE rejected four courses while Moi University had three courses rejected.
CUE also rejected three courses at African International University and Mama Ngina University. The regulator further stated that Mama Ngina was not an accredited university college.
At Alupe University College, two of the programmes were not approved which was the a similar case as the Catholic University of Kenya, Kabarak University, Technical University of Mombasa and University of Eastern Africa Baraton.
University of Kabianga, Southern Eastern Kenya University, Pwani University, Multimedia University of Kenya, Masinde Muliro University, Laikipia University, Gretsa University and Bomet University had one course not approved.
Another report indicated revealed massive irregularities on programmes taught in the universities. The report accused universities for launching many programmes to make money.