ODM Leader Raila Odinga on Wednesday made light comments on delegates’ sexual escapades while attending the sixth annual Devolution Conference in Kirinyaga.
Odinga made reference to an incident during the 2018 conference which was held in Kakamega.
Kirinyaga Deputy Governor Peter Ndambiri caught national headlines after a video was leaked where some blackmailers had filmed him engaging in an affair with an unidentified woman.
“Last year when we were in Kakamega, there was adverse reports about Kirinyaga. The Deputy Governor had been attacked, it was like a blackmail and I think Anne Waiguru decided to campaign that Kirinyaga be the next host so that they can benefit from what Kakamega benefited from,” Odinga said amid uproar from delegates.
Odinga went on to make fun of the famous night activities which puts most delegates busy at work.
“The last time was very grateful that the delegates were working very hard at night. And they were also sparing him the electricity bill because most were working without lights,” the AU High Representative for Infrastructure joked before he went on to read his formal speech.
Odinga spoke on the second day of the conference that is expected to end on Friday March 8.
Perhaps in anticipation for the night activities delegates are known to engage in, Kirinyaga county distributed 150,000 condoms to encourage safe sex.
Governor Waiguru, however, said the distribution was not prompted by the conference, saying such programmes would continue after the event.