Kwale Governor Salim Muvurya has come out to oppose the election of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparaya as the Council of Governors (CoG) chairperson.
Governor Mvurya,who has previously served as CoG vice chair, opposed the election saying that there was an agreement to have him take over from Turkana Governor Josphat Nanok.
The agreement was struck in 2017, shortly after the General Election, when the CoG held special meetings in Kwale County.
At the time, Mvurya agreed to step down from his position as VC in June 2018 and hand it over to Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, which he did.
Governor Nanok, however, continued to serve as the CoG chair long after his term had expired.
Deal Gone Sour for Mvurya
The Kwale county boss on Tuesday added that the election was not part of the deal.
According to Mvurya, the governors unanimously passed a "gentleman's agreement" that he would ascend to power automatically, in June 2018.
Governor Oparanya was elected on Monday and went on to declare that his first order of business would be to champion for a constitutional referendum.